Saturday, January 8, 2011

Tak salah xnak percaya!

Salam and hai...
good evening everyone..
first of all, i would like to thank all the followers,readers and commenter for this "Tak Salah" blog...
actually, i'm still new in this blogging world as i left it about 3 years ago..
yes!3 years ago i used to blogged but since i need to focus on my study,
so i decided to stop!and during the long time, i've never involve and now, i'm back with full of interest...
what i'm doing now?
still studying, but this is my final semester...
so, not as busy as before..
okeh..back to the topic...

since i've visited many blogs before, some of them so interesting and very informative..
i really appreciate and salute to those who manage to produce that kind of writing which i don't think i can...
waduh3...just realize i'm using english!malu3...english hancuss..haha
well~xpela..better try than never rite..
so, mengikut tinjauan ak la kan, rmai antara blogger2 kt dunia ni wanita/gadis2/remaja...
bagus!ini membuktikan bahawa remaja masa kini mengikuti perkembangan semasa..
positive improvement sy kira..dlm rmai2 blogger golongan hawa especially remaja,
rmai jugak antara mereka menjadikan blog ni sbg tempat luahan perasaan..
it's look like a personal diary...well~i can't say that's wrong..
for me, as a blogger u have full right for what u're doing with your blog..
as long as u're not disobey any networking rules and take good care of others' privacy.
actually this is not i'm gonna write about..
referring to the title, it's about TRUST!
setiap individu ada hak masing2 utk mentafsirkan apa itu kepercayaan..
and for me, it's really important things for our life...
ak berpegang kpada prinsip "trust nobody except yourself and everybody lies"...
so, this is my prinsip..and surprisingly, i've never trust anyone fully 100% including my family..
why?because as a human, we're not, there'll be any lies behind any words...
it's ok for you to not trust any people..this is for your own sake...
it's better to be like that rather than your trust being put aside and betrayed by the person who do you trust especially from someone that u love the does it feel?

rmai gadis2 skang ni senang utk pcaya kpd teman2 lelaki mereka..
ingt..everybody lies!sebaik2 manusia, akan ada kata2 dusta...
jgn mudah terpedaya dengan kata2 manis, pujuk rayu pasangan masing2..
sedangkan si suami boleh mengkhianati si isteri *bgitu jugak sbaliknye,
ni kan plak korang yang baru jek bercouple..
xde ikatan pape pon lagi...lg la senang nk kena khianat.!
lebih2 lagi budak2 skolah...bagi duit skit, trus dapat..
dapat pe?ha..sendiri mau hengat la yek...
so, memang xsalah korang xnak percaya pade sape2 kecuali diri sendiri..
1.manusia, semua orang akn menipu..

2.xde sape yang tahu disebalik kata2 seseorang melainkan Allah.. 
siasat sesuatu perkara sebelum ambil tindakan..jgn nyesal xsudah di kemuadian hari plak.. is, kite xleh nk ukur sejauh mana orang akan percaya akn kita..
sila fikir berulang kali sbelum korang cite kan sesuatu rahsia pd sesiapa saje..

tapi kena ingat..jgn plak xpecaya langsung dgn orang lain..ada masa kite perlu utk percaya, ad jugak masa utk kite selidik either nk percaya or, pndai2 lah buat keputusan..!

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